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Freedom+™ (FMS) Functional Magnetic Stimulation is engineered to strengthen and re-educate pelvic floor muscles (PFM)

Incontinence Treatment Solutions

The Freedom Incontinence and Weak Bladder Treatment Chair provides a revolutionary solution for healthcare professionals, including urologists, gynecologists, physiotherapists, and doctors, to effectively address pelvic floor muscle disorders in patients. Designed to target the root causes of incontinence, this innovative chair offers a comprehensive treatment approach for chronic pelvic pain.




    Freedom+™ (FMS) Functional Magnetic Stimulation is engineered to strengthen and re-educate pelvic floor muscles (PFM)

    Incontinence Treatment Solutions

    The Freedom Incontinence and Weak Bladder Treatment Chair provides a revolutionary solution for healthcare professionals, including urologists, gynecologists, physiotherapists, and doctors, to effectively address pelvic floor muscle disorders in patients. Designed to target the root causes of incontinence, this innovative chair offers a comprehensive treatment approach for chronic pelvic pain.




      The Muscle Behind Your Pee


      Freedom+™ technology stimulates the pudendal nerve and detrusor muscle.  This targeted contraction reaches deep within the bladder walls and activates the muscles.  The internal urethral sphincter is triggered  achieving greater bladder control for stress urinary incontinence, urgency incontinence, urine leakage, and in men treat or prevent retrograde ejaculation. Consequently the internal and external sphincters work more effectively as per intended function.

      Treatment for Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI) is achieved by Freedom+™,  targeting the afferent branches of the pudendal nerve with contraction stimulated to inhibit the detrusor muscle through central reflexes; at the same time, the efferent nerve branches are also stimulated to facilitate strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles and increase the tonus of the urethral sphincters.

      The Muscle Behind Your Pee


      Freedom+™ technology stimulates the pudendal nerve and detrusor muscle.  This targeted contraction reaches deep within the bladder walls and activates the muscles.  The internal urethral sphincter is triggered  achieving greater bladder control for stress urinary incontinence, urgency incontinence, urine leakage, and in men treat or prevent retrograde ejaculation. Consequently the internal and external sphincters work more effectively as per intended function.

      Treatment for Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI) is achieved by Freedom+™,  targeting the afferent branches of the pudendal nerve with contraction stimulated to inhibit the detrusor muscle through central reflexes; at the same time, the efferent nerve branches are also stimulated to facilitate strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles and increase the tonus of the urethral sphincters.

      Mechanism of Action

      FREEDOM+™- Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS™) utilizes focused magnetic fields to effortlessly strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles, providing relief and improved function for a wide range of gynecological, urological, and age-related conditions. By generating targeted magnetic pulses, the treatment stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to contract and strengthen without any strenuous effort from the patient. This effortless muscle-building process can provide dramatic improvements in urinary and bowel control, heighten sexual sensation and satisfaction, and even help prevent or correct pelvic organ prolapse. Uniquely, FMS™ can be tailored to address the specific needs of each individual.


      Comments @ American Urological Association (AUA)

      Mechanism of Action

      FREEDOM+™- Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS™) utilizes focused magnetic fields to effortlessly strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles, providing relief and improved function for a wide range of gynecological, urological, and age-related conditions. By generating targeted magnetic pulses, the treatment stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to contract and strengthen without any strenuous effort from the patient. This effortless muscle-building process can provide dramatic improvements in urinary and bowel control, heighten sexual sensation and satisfaction, and even help prevent or correct pelvic organ prolapse. Uniquely, FMS™ can be tailored to address the specific needs of each individual.

      FREEDOM+™ can treat or improve the following:

      • drop
        Incontinence, Urine, Bowel, Stress
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        Reduce Frequency & Pad Use
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        POP Pelvic Organ Prolapse
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        Intimate Dysfunction related to weak pelvic floor muscles
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        Strengthen Detrusor Muscle (in the bladder wall)
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        Chronic Pain / Pelvic Pain

      Freedom+ forces 25,000 autonomic PFM contractions, every resistance training contraction is a perfect and powerful Kegel exercise.

      FREEDOM+™ can treat or improve the following:

      • drop
        Incontinence, Urine, Bowel, Stress
      • drop
        POP Pelvic Organ Prolapse
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        Intimate Dysfunction related to weak pelvic floor muscles
      • drop
        Strengthen Detrusor Muscle (in the bladder wall)
      • drop
        Reduce Frequency & Pad Use
      • drop
        Chronic Pain / Pelvic Pain

      Freedom+ forces 25,000 autonomic PFM contractions, every resistance training contraction is a perfect and powerful Kegel exercise.

      Freedom+ Synerji applicators with (FMS) & (PRF) Passive Radio Frequency is engineered for treating:

      • drop
        Pelvic Pain
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        Acute pain
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        Chronic pain
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        Neuropathic pain*
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        Nociceptive pain
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        Radicular pain
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        Fascia adhesion: Muscular Pain

      The Synergy of Freedom+ FMS and PRF is designed to treat condition related to weak pelvic floor muscles and associated pain. In addition, general pain management.


      Freedom+ Synerji applicators with (FMS) & (PRF) Passive Radio Frequency is engineered for treating:

      • drop
        Pelvic Pain
      • drop
        Acute pain
      • drop
        Chronic pain
      • drop
        Neuropathic pain*
      • drop
        Nociceptive pain
      • drop
        Radicular pain
      • drop
        Fascia adhesion: Muscular Pain

      The Synergy of Freedom+ FMS and PRF is designed to treat condition related to weak pelvic floor muscles and associated pain. In addition, general pain management.


      Prolapse is Common Effecting 1 in 3 Women Who Have Had Children

      Pelvic floor muscles act as a hammock to support pelvic organs, If either pelvic floor muscles or the supporting structures are weakened, pelvic organs bulge into the vagina causing vaginal walls to move downwards resulting in prolapse. Pregnancy, obesity, aging and menopausal/hormonal changes cause prolapse. Freedom+™ autonomic (involuntary) muscular contracts strengthen pelvic floor muscles in subsequently increase vaginal support.


      Prolapse is very common effecting 1 in 3 women who have had children

      Pelvic floor muscles act as a hammock to support pelvic organs, If either pelvic floor muscles or the supporting structures are weakened, pelvic organs bulge into the vagina causing vaginal walls to move downwards resulting in prolapse. Pregnancy, obesity, aging and menopausal/hormonal changes cause prolapse. Freedom+™ autonomic (involuntary) muscular contracts strengthen pelvic floor muscles in subsequently increase vaginal support.



      • drop
        Three Year Warranty
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        German Made
      • drop
        100,000 Minutes
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        OVER 3500 Treatment Yield
      • drop
        Multi-Application Technology
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        No Hidden Costs


      • drop
        Three Year Warranty
      • drop
        German Made
      • drop
        100,000 Minutes
      • drop
        3000 Treatments Yield
      • drop
        Multi-Application Technology
      • drop
        No Hidden Costs


      Lumbopelvic core muscles, specifically transversus abdominis, deep multifidus, and pelvic floor muscles are meant to activate very gently. Dysfunctional or breach in function can lead to low back or pelvic girdle pain and or urinary stress incontinence. In cases of postpartum, these muscles often stop functioning properly.

      Research suggests, even as pain dissipates, these deep stabilizing core muscles may not return to normal activation, and can predispose recurrent episodes of back or pelvic pain and incontinence. Freedom+™ focused magnetic stimulation contracts the pelvic floor muscles strengthening and building measurable musculature volume mitigating pelvic floor disorders quickly and effectively.

      Bladder Ultra Sound
      Bladder Ultra Sound


      Lumbopelvic core muscles, specifically transversus abdominis, deep multifidus, and pelvic floor muscles are meant to activate very gently. Dysfunctional or breach in function can lead to low back or pelvic girdle pain and or urinary stress incontinence. In cases of postpartum, these muscles often stop functioning properly.

      Research suggests, even as pain dissipates, these deep stabilizing core muscles may not return to normal activation, and can predispose recurrent episodes of back or pelvic pain and incontinence. Freedom+™ focused magnetic stimulation contracts the pelvic floor muscles strengthening and building measurable musculature volume mitigating pelvic floor disorders quickly and effectively.


      Integrative Solution For Pelvic Floor Musculature Dysfunctions

      FREEDOM+™ is centered around illuminating and significant research supporting the need for pelvic floor health and continence. Using an integrative solution, with orientated research, neuromodulation, focused magnetic stimulation (FMS), and passive fitness prescribed in a non-invasive and non-intrusive treatment protocol, pelvic floor dysfunction is treatable. FREEDOM+™ technology strengthens and re-educates the pelvic floor muscles, restoring continence and relieving pelvic pain with the only multi-application system featuring the Vitality Plus Seat ™, Freedom Chair ™ and Synerji Pro™ body applicators. This interdisciplinary approach treats the entire core to support the pelvic girdle and restore better pelvic function mitigating pelvic pain and associated pelvic floor muscle weakness and FD's. With FREEDOM+™ achieve positive outcomes for your patients and practice.

      Regenerative Potential:

      Restore Volume, Function and Control

      Pelvic floor muscles should be kept strong and active, just like any other muscle. All bladder and bowel functions need functioning pelvic floor muscles. FREEDOM+™ rebuilds and restores the pelvic floor musculature, strengthening the levator ani muscles, coccygeus and sphincters that encircle the urethra, vagina and anus as they pass through the pelvic floor. Key effectiveness is based on proprietary functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) energy, depth intelligence and precise cycled stimulation of the entire pelvic floor to treat PFD's for both male and females, obesity, menopausal hormonal fluctuations, trauma, and chronic pain while increasing blood flow to nerves and muscles improving regenerative potential.


      Integrative Solution For Pelvic Floor Musculature Dysfunctions

      FREEDOM+™ is centered around illuminating and significant research supporting the need for pelvic floor health and continence. Using an integrative solution, with orientated research, neuromodulation, focused magnetic stimulation (FMS), and passive fitness prescribed in a non-invasive and non-intrusive treatment protocol, pelvic floor dysfunction is treatable. FREEDOM+™ technology strengthens and re-educates the pelvic floor muscles, restoring continence and relieving pelvic pain with the only multi-application system featuring the Vitality Plus Seat ™, Freedom Chair ™ and Synerji Pro™ body applicators. This interdisciplinary approach treats the entire core to support the pelvic girdle and restore better pelvic function mitigating pelvic pain and associated pelvic floor muscle weakness and FD's. With FREEDOM+™ achieve positive outcomes for your patients and practice.

      Regenerative Potential:

      Restore Volume, Function and Control

      Pelvic floor muscles should be kept strong and active, just like any other muscle. All bladder and bowel functions need functioning pelvic floor muscles. FREEDOM+™ rebuilds and restores the pelvic floor musculature, strengthening the levator ani muscles, coccygeus and sphincters that encircle the urethra, vagina and anus as they pass through the pelvic floor. Key effectiveness is based on proprietary functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) energy, depth intelligence and precise cycled stimulation of the entire pelvic floor to treat PFD's for both male and females, obesity, menopausal hormonal fluctuations, trauma, and chronic pain while increasing blood flow to nerves and muscles improving regenerative potential.

      Vitality Plus Seat™

      The Power of the Vitality Plus™ Seat

      Grow your practice with intelligent scalable platform technology incorporating innovative multi-applications. Non-intrusive treatments and remain fully clothed. The recommended number of sessions is four to six, spaced a few days apart, followed by maintenance sessions every six months or as needed. Practitioners report positive results, with up to 95% improvement in stress urinary incontinence and 75% reduction in pad use. The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and has no downtime or side effects, making it a convenient and comfortable option for many women and men.


      Vitality Plus Seat™

      The Power of the Vitality Plus™ Seat

      Grow your practice with intelligent scalable platform technology incorporating innovative multi-applications. Non-intrusive treatments and remain fully clothed. The recommended number of sessions is four to six, spaced a few days apart, followed by maintenance sessions every six months or as needed. Practitioners report positive results, with up to 95% improvement in stress urinary incontinence and 75% reduction in pad use. The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and has no downtime or side effects, making it a convenient and comfortable option for many women and men.


      FREEDOM+ Body™
      FMS and PRF

      Therapeutic Fitness: Core, Body and Pain

      FREEDOM+ Body™ with Passive Radio Frequency (PRF) toning and sculpting applicators target key muscle groups for specific treatment programs. Join the new generation of therapeutic fitness with Synerji Pro™ applicators. Tone, sculpt and enhance with this ultimate muscle building for passive fitness treatments. Target weakness in the pelvic floor musculature, abdomen, and lower back. The supramaximal muscle contractions create an increased need for energy. The concentrated RF effect causes increased blood flow in the tissue, thereby boosting oxygen and nutrient supply in the muscle, enhancing muscle tissue regenerative processes. Synergetic application of FMS and RF leads to increased activation of satellite cells (SCs) or unspecialized cells, which, upon activation, regenerate and strengthen the existing muscle fibers through the differentiation process. 25,000 supramaximal contractions initiated by FREEDOM BODY™ Synerji Pro™ applicators trigger a large amount of fat decomposition. Fatty acids are broken down from triglycerides and accumulated in fat cells. Increased concentrations of fatty acids reach extreme levels, thus causing the fat cells to experience apoptosis (death), which is excreted by the body's normal functions.

      FREEDOM+M treats the entire core to support the pelvic girdle and restore pelvic function mitigating pelvic pain and associated pelvic floor muscle weakness and PFD's. Effective and safe with an advanced radio frequency delivery system for fat and cellulite reduction, skin toning and full body contouring.


      FREEDOM+ Body™
      FMS and PRF

      Therapeutic Fitness: Core, Body and Pain Management

      FREEDOM+ Body™ with Radio Frequency toning and sculpting applicators target key muscle groups for specific treatment programs. Join the new generation of therapeutic fitness with Synerji Pro™ applicators. Tone, sculpt and enhance with this ultimate muscle building for passive fitness treatments. Target weakness in the pelvic floor musculature, abdomen, and lower back. The supramaximal muscle contractions create an increased need for energy. The concentrated RF effect causes increased blood flow in the tissue, thereby boosting oxygen and nutrient supply in the muscle, enhancing muscle tissue regenerative processes. Synergetic application of FMS and RF leads to increased activation of satellite cells (SCs) or unspecialized cells, which, upon activation, regenerate and strengthen the existing muscle fibers through the differentiation process. 25,000 supramaximal contractions initiated by FREEDOM BODy™ Synerji Pro™ applicators trigger a large amount of fat decomposition. Fatty acids are broken down from triglycerides and accumulated in fat cells. Increased concentrations of fatty acids reach extreme levels, thus causing the fat cells to experience apoptosis (death), which is excreted by the body's normal functions.

      FREEDOM+M treats the entire core to support the pelvic girdle and restore pelvic function mitigating pelvic pain and associated pelvic floor muscle weakness and PFD's. Effective and safe with an advanced radio frequency delivery system for fat and cellulite reduction, skin toning and full body contouring.

      Freedom Chair™

      All Inclusive: Comprehensive Pelvic Floor Muscle Targeting

      Freedom Chair™ stimulates pelvic floor muscles with functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) pulses while you sit on it fully clothed. Improve urinary incontinence, sexual health, and pelvic floor strength by delivering supramaximal contractions: the equivalent of up to 25,000 FMS contractions in a single treatment session. Practitioners report positive results, with up to 95% improvement in stress urinary incontinence and 75% reduction in pad use. The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and has no downtime or side effects, making it a convenient and comfortable option for many women and men. Incorporated power design for portability and smaller footprint to fit in most spaces. Designed to accommodate patients with mobility and stability challenges making this a secure and comfortable treatment for most patient advanced in age and with physical restrictions.


      Freedom Chair™

      All Inclusive: Comprehensive Pelvic Floor Muscle Targeting

      Freedom Chair™ stimulates pelvic floor muscles with functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) pulses while you sit on it fully clothed. Improve urinary incontinence, sexual health, and pelvic floor strength by delivering supramaximal contractions: the equivalent of up to 25,000 FMS contractions in a single treatment session. Practitioners report positive results, with up to 95% improvement in stress urinary incontinence and 75% reduction in pad use. The treatment is painless, non-invasive, and has no downtime or side effects, making it a convenient and comfortable option for many women and men. Incorporated power design for portability and smaller footprint to fit in most spaces. Designed to accommodate patients with mobility and stability challenges making this a secure and comfortable treatment for most patient advanced in age and with physical restrictions.


      Freedom+™ Neuromodulation and Functional Magnetic Stimulation

      Neuromodulation is technology that acts directly upon nerves. It is the alteration- or modulation-of nerve activity by delivering electrical or pharmaceutical agents directly to a target area. Neuromodulation devices and treatments can be life changing. They affect every area of the body and treat nearly every disease or symptom from headaches to Pelvic Floor Disorders, both urgency urinary incontinence (UUl) and stress urinary incontinence (SUl). With such a broad therapeutic scope, and significant ongoing improvements in biotechnology, portable neuromodulation is poised as a major growth industry for the next decade. Most frequently, neuromodulation is associated to the context of chronic pain relief, the most common indication. However, there are a plethora of neuromodulation applications such as urinary incontinence, non-surgical sacral nerve stimulation for pelvic disorders, bladder and bowel control, constipation, and incontinence.


      Freedom+™ neuromodulation and functional magnetic stimulation


      Neuromodulation is technology that acts directly upon nerves. It is the alteration- or modulation-of nerve activity by delivering electrical or pharmaceutical agents directly to a target area. Neuromodulation devices and treatments can be life changing. They affect every area of the body and treat nearly every disease or symptom from headaches to Pelvic Floor Disorders, both urgency urinary incontinence (UUl) and stress urinary incontinence (SUl). With such a broad therapeutic scope, and significant ongoing improvements in biotechnology, portable neuromodulation is poised as a major growth industry for the next decade. Most frequently, neuromodulation is associated to the context of chronic pain relief, the most common indication. However, there are a plethora of neuromodulation applications such as urinary incontinence, non-surgical sacral nerve stimulation for pelvic disorders, bladder and bowel control, constipation, and incontinence.

      Deliver Targeted Functional Magnetic Stimulation. Restore Essential Function And Pelvic Floor Muscle Volume.

      Deliver Targeted Functional Magnetic Stimulation. Restore Essential Function And Pelvic Floor Muscle Volume.

      What does a Freedom+™ treatment feel like?

      Physical therapists, urologists, geriatricians, and gynecologists are praising the FREEDOM+ Chair™ and Vitality Plus™ Seat treatments. Their feedback is genuine, and many pelvic floor muscle (PFM) patients report a shared, common experience when receiving this specialized treatment. Compared to the BTL Emsella Chair, Freedom Technology has proven more powerful and effective based on user feedback.

      What does a Freedom+™ treatment feel like?

      Physical therapists, urologists, geriatricians, and gynecologists are praising the FREEDOM+ Chair™ and Vitality Plus™ Seat treatments. Their feedback is genuine, and many pelvic floor muscle (PFM) patients report a shared, common experience when receiving this specialized treatment. Compared to the BTL Emsella Chair, Freedom Technology has proven more powerful and effective based on user feedback.

      Interdisciplinary Approach

      Passive Fitness

      Synergistic integrated delivery of FMS and Non Ablative Radio Frequency (NARF) influences muscle growth and reduction of excess fat deposits. Target the pelvic floor to core and full body. Passive fitness treatments support and accommodate physically challenged patients and muscle atrophy associated to advanced aging.

      PFM - Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

      This multi-application system featuring the Vitality Plus Seat™, Freedom Chair™ and body applicators target and strengthen the entire pelvic floor muscles. Improve quality of life and regain bladder control.

      Chronic Pain & Therapeutics

      FMS targets and restores weak muscles. Cognitive intervention for disability and muscle strengthening supports pain relief. NARF aka PRF offers the advantage of pain control without tissue destruction.


      Interdisciplinary Approach

      Passive Fitness

      Synergistic integrated delivery of FMS and Non Ablative Radio Frequency (NARF) influences muscle growth and reduction of excess fat deposits. Target the pelvic floor to core and full body. Passive fitness treatments support and accommodate physically challenged patients and muscle atrophy associated to advanced aging.


      PFM - Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

      This multi-application system featuring the Vitality Plus Seat™, Freedom Chair™ and body applicators target and strengthen the entire pelvic floor muscles. Improve quality of life and regain bladder control.


      Chronic Pain & Therapeutics

      FMS targets and restores weak muscles. Cognitive intervention for disability and muscle strengthening supports pain relief. NARF aka PRF offers the advantage of pain control without tissue destruction.



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